New colleague – Julien Seguinot

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My name is Julien Seguinot, and I have recently started on a three-year project at the department of biological sciences. I am originally from France, and previously worked at Stockholm University in Sweden, GFZ Potsdam in Germany, ETH Zürich in Switzerland, and Hokkaido University in Japan.

I am a computational geoscientist with a passion for glacial landscapes. I have used Python programming, high-performance computing of glaciers dynamics, and fieldwork to try and understand glacier changes past and present. I am dedicated to publishing research results, software, methods and data open access and to communicating science outside academia, and commit much of my work time to developing open-source software and producing paleoglacier animations for teachers and museums.

My position at the University of Bergen is funded by a Trond Mohn Foundation grant to Suzette Flantua to study the “past, present, and future of alpine biomes worldwide” (see our new website), a project where I will provide mountain paleoglacier reconstructions to inform biodiversity models. I am new to biology and look forward to building connections with this new field and with many of you.