IPBES report – Wild species are key to sustainable development

SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH WILD SPECIES: A new report points out that sustainable exploitation of wild species is the key to a sustainable future. Fish and shellfish are the world’s largest source of animal proteins.
Daniel Lee, Unsplash

“Sustainable use of wild species is key to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals,” says Professor Jeppe Kolding at the University of Bergen. He is one of 87 international experts co-writing a new report out Friday 8 July 2022.

The report was commissioned by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which is an independent intergovernmental body.

Wild species make up half the world’s food from the ocean, a large part of timber and fuel, and are also a major source of protein, fibre, and medicine for communities around the world. If the world is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), wild species must be protected, concludes the report Sustainable Use of Wild Species Assessment, which is presented by IPBES.

Read more in the UiB news article on the report.