Safety delegates at BIO 2023-2024

Foto/illustrasjon: UiB

We now have the results of the election of safety delegates and deputies for the 5 safety areas at BIO.  For the role as deputy safety delegate for area 2.6.5 (5th floor, Bioblokken), an election has been held.  For the other roles only one candidate was proposed, and the candidates were regarded elected when the nomination deadline (23rd September) had passed.

Safety delegates represent all employees in working environment matters. The safety delegates has a supervisory role, as well as being an important collaborator for the Line Management.  For more info on the role and tasks of safety delegates at UiB, see this page:

The list of our local safety ares and safety delegates can always be found here (you need to be logged on to MittUiB for the link to work):


Safety delegates at the Department of Biological Sciences 2023-2024

2.6.1   Institutt for biovitenskap, Thormøhlensgt. 55 (1,3,4. etg. Bioblokken)

Safety delegate: Lindsey Moore

Deputy: Per Gunnar Espedal


2.6.2      Institutt for biovitenskap, Thormøhlensgt. 53 A

Safety delegate: David John Rees

Deputy: Beate Ulrikke Rensvik


2.6.3      Institutt for biovitenskap / Skolelaboratoriet i realfag, Thormøhlensgt. 53 B

Safety delegate: Birte Tøpper

Deputy: Heikki Savolainen


2.6.4      Institutt for biovitenskap, Marinbiologisk stasjon, Espeland

Safety delegate: Mette Hordnes

Deputy: Knut Tomas Holden Sørlie


2.6.5      Institutt for biovitenskap, Thormøhlensgt. 55 (5 . etg. Bioblokken)

Safety delegate: Linda Veka Hjørnevik

Deputy: Katharina Stracke