01.11.2022 Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen, Jekteviksbakken 31 Registration deadline: 18.10.2022
Month: September 2022
Invitation to the course PhD seminars on writing, searching and data management
This course for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences provides candidates with the tools to efficiently manage their research projects and publish the results. Completed course including participation and activities can be credited with 1 ECTS…
Nordic AI Meet and Research School Annual Conference
For PhD candidates across Norway working on AI linked topics, Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) is planning two important activities in November.
Utlysning: WUN Research Development Fund 2022
Norwegian language only Intern frist for å søke er 2. oktober. Søknaden sendes til: rosa.nogueira@uib.no. Mer informasjon om utlysningen ved UiB finnes HER
Planned Call: Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges
The purpose of this call is to develop new knowledge and generate competence needed by society or trade and industry to address important societal challenges.
Planned Call: Knowledge-building Project for Industry
The purpose of this call is to develop new knowledge and generate competence in the research organisations needed by society or the industry sector to address important societal challenges.
Greetings from the Department – 09.09.2022
It is still summer and “brilliant” weather, but we are heading for “darker times”. What will make the coming winter extra dark is the financial situation at BIO. Most people have probably registered both frustration and dismay among colleagues, –…
Påminnelse – utlysning av forskningsmidler fra Dyrevernalliansens forskningsfond
Norwegian language only Fondets formål er å støtte forskning av god vitenskapelig kvalitet som bidrar til å fremme dyrs interesser. I 2022 vil det bli utdelt inntil 1.500.000 kroner. I år er det også en egen utlysning på 720.000 kr…
Har du lyst til å skrive for tidsskriftet Naturen i høst?
Norwegian language only I så fall – ikke nøl. Vi tar imot artikler både fra studenter, forskere, teknikere og andre som ønsker å formidle naturvitenskap til et bredt og interessert publikum. Tidsskriftet Naturen er Norges eldste populærvitenskapelige tidsskrift (startet i…
NordForsk call for pre-proposals on Nordic University Cooperation
A new call for pre-proposals on Nordic University Cooperation is open. The call is open to all themes and disciplines, and the call deadline is 2 November 2022.