The European Commission’s online workshop on “Strengthening research careers: a focus on competences, balanced talent circulation and intersectoral mobility” is open for registration. The event will take place on the 12th of September from 09:30 to 12:30 and from 13:30…
Month: September 2022
Call 2 for 23 MSCA SEAS postdoctoral research fellow positions
Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability (SEAS) is a postdoctoral research fellowship programme for 37 fellows launched and managed by the University of Bergen. In this second call, open August 1st – October 31st 2022, UIB invites talented researchers…
Fulbrightstipend for norske statsborgere til USA 2023-24
Minner om søknadsfristen for Fulbrightstipend til USA for det akademiske året 2023-24: 1. oktober 2022 Ca. 30-35 stipender tilbys, i alle fagfelt på Master, PhD, post-doc og seniorforsker nivå. Stipendbeløp: opp til NOK 200,000.-
26-27 September – Life Science Data Management: Planning workshop
Generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the Research Council of Norway Time and place: Sep. 26, 2022 9:00 AM–Sep. 27, 2022 1:00 PM, online
Greetings from the Department – 02.09.2022
Dear all, Earlier in the week, I sent out an invitation to the permanent academic staff to study draft calls from the EU. It is important for several reasons that we manage to engage more with EU funding. Even before…
Psykological support for phd. candidates and young scientists
Hey guys I hope all of you have enjoyed a lovely summer and are ready for the fall soon approaching Bergen! As some of you may know, UiB is offering a psychological support service to the about 1500 Ph.D. candidates…
NFR Webinar: A.3 – Looking for partners and joining consortia (short webinar)
When: 19 September 2022 08.45 – 11.00 Registration deadline: 12 September kl.15.00
Utlysning av stipendmidler i north2north-programmet
Norwegian language only Hei, Viser til vedlagte utlysning til UArctic sitt mobilitetsprogram north2north og ber dere gjøre dette kjent i fagmiljø og til aktuelle studentgrupper. Det er mulig å søke midler til korte og lengre utvekslingsopphold for innreisende og utreisende…
Monday 5. September – master’s thesis presentation, August B. E. Sindre
Post-smolt performance of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) under strict photo regime before and after SW transfer 14.15 – 14.45 Zoom (contact for link)
Thursday 8. September – Digital teacher’s meeting @ BIO: Student workload
12.15 – 13.00 Zoom (if you did not receive the link, please contact