8. November 2022. Online application training for ERC Consolidator and Advanced Grant applicants

How to write competitive proposals for the ERC Consolidator and Advanced Grants

Time/Place: 08.11.2022–09.11.2022; Digital (Zoom)

Registration deadline: 07.11.2022

Consolidator Grant stipend is for mid-career researchers (7-12 years after their PhD is defended) who would like to propose a groundbreaking and risky project that they could not finance anywhere else. Researchers with more than 12 years of experience are eligible to apply for the Advanced Grant. This course explains how to convey your research concept in a way that convinces both the ERC panel and your expert evaluators, and maximises your chance of success.

Read more here: https://www.uib.no/en/boa/122495/how-write-competitive-proposals-erc-consolidator-and-advanced-grants