Registration of publications for 2022 in the Cristin database

We hereby remind that all researchers must check by 31 January that all their scientific publications for 2022 are correctly registered in Cristin and that

  • A fulltext-file of the publication has been uploaded
  • Project number(s) are entered for each publication financed by either the Norwegian research council or the EU

Work on registering last year’s publications in the national database Cristin is in full swing. Registration of publications is mandatory. Correct registration is a prerequisite for the institution to be credited with publication points, which in turn has a direct impact on the allocation of performance funds the following year.

The vast majority of publications are now imported automatically, with the exception of book chapters and theses, and some will already have been registered by co-authors at UiB or other Norwegian institutions. It is therefore a minority of publications that must be registered manually. Therefore, always remember to do a search in Cristin before you register a publication to ensure that you are not doing duplicate work.

When it comes to uploading the full-text file, the University Library or the Department will do this for all publications that have been published as “open access”. It is therefore only articles that have NOT been published as “open access” that must be uploaded by the authors. It is then an accepted peer-reviewed version (the latest version the authors send to the publisher) that must be uploaded.

Please note that the fulltext-file need only be uploaded once.  So if one of your fellow authors have already uploaded the file, you need not do it again.

Please see the University’s Cristin-page for guidelines and links:

For questions – please contact the Cristin-administration at the University library – or the Department’s Cristin contact –