Time off for seniors 2023

Public sector employers shall enable individual employees to remain in their position after the usual retirement age. One of the initiatives is that senior employees are given extra days off. From the calendar year in which the employee reach the age of 62 years, he/she is entitled to 10 days off per year with salary. Part-time employees have the right to a proportionate number of days off. The following terms apply:

  • Paid holidays must be used before you use time off for seniors. If you have used time off for senior days, and still have paid holiday left, your time off for senior days will be converted to holidays.
  • If the additional days are not being used, they will be cancelled. It is not possible to carry forward time off for seniors to 2024 or have them paid as salary.
  • You register time off for seniors in DFØ with absence code 512 (Time off, senior)

(You can find more information about time off for seniors here: Universitetet i Bergen :: Medarbeiderhåndbok :: Seniordager (compendia.no) – Norwegian language)