Thu 2. Mar. Interested in developing scientific ideas with your colleagues?

Map – Integrerbar

We invite Bergen scientists at all career stages for a Science Speed Dating at IntegrerBar on Thursday March 2nd. The doors open at 17:30. The program starts at 18:00 and will last about 1.5h. You are more than welcome to stay a bit longer for mingling or further project development afterwards. Please sign up here: The number of participants is limited, first come, first served!


The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Norway

The Bjerknes PhD forum

The Bjerknes Early Career Scientist forum


IntegrerBar, Realfagbygget, Allégaten 41, Bergen ( or see map attached)



Damien Couespel
Post Doc
Post Doc
Affiliated Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research