Most of you are now aware that BIO’s research strategy for the next 10 years (?) is to focus on scientific topics through retirements, i.e., the individual researcher who is not retired will have the opportunity to focus on far…
Month: February 2023
PhD. New regulation for composition of evaluation committee and committee for the trial lecture
The University Board decided the following changes in the PhD regulations. Evaluation committee for the thesis: Both genders must normally be represented among the external opponents. Evaluation committee for the trial Lecture: Both genders must normally be represented in the…
Reminder regarding students with impaired hearing
A kind reminder to all our teachers: Some of our students have impaired hearing. We would like to remind you of how this can be taken into account during teaching.
Test of FIRE ALARMS and VOICE NOTIFICATIONS at Thormøhlens gate 53A/B
In relation to annual service of the fire alarm system at Thormøhlensgt 53A/B, there will be a test of the FIRE ALARMS and VOICE NOTIFICATION system Tuesday February 28th between 7 and 8am. There is no need to vacate the…
Report from the “PRIMA Learning” jellyfish workshop in Cape Town in February 2023
Last week, an international workshop on the identification of gelatinous zooplankton was held in Cape Town. The workshop was organised as part of a mobility project (PRIMALearning) between the University of Bergen (UiB), Norway and the University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa.
UiB establishes stipend for green master’s theses
Students at all Faculties at the University of Bergen can now apply for the newly established stipend Grønn master (Green master’s). The stipend is aimed at inspiring students to write master’s theses on climate, environment and sustainability. Read the whole…
Insentivordning for studiekvalitet
Norwegian language Formålet med insentivordningen er å tilrettelegge for utviklingstiltak som skal bidra til økt studiekvalitet og til økt gjennomstrømning. Søknadsfrist i 2023 er 24.mars I 2023-potten ligger det kr 1,250 000 som inkluderer 100 000 til årets Uglepris. Søknadsfristen er…
Tilskotsordningar for å styrke tilgangen på fleksibel og desentralisert utdanning
Norwegian language HK-dir lyser ut til saman 196,8 millionar kroner til to tilskotsordningar for å styrke tilgangen på fleksibel og desentralisert utdanning over heile landet. Fagskular, universitet/høgskular og studiesenter kan søkje. Søknadsfrist: 14. april 2023 innen kl 12:00 Les utlysningen: (edit)
Do you have a good idea? Seek support!
Interested in innovation? Get up to NOK 500 000 funding to develop your idea UiB idé gives employees and students the opportunity to apply for support to test and develop good innovation ideas. The maximum funding amount is NOK 500,000 for…
Thu 2. Mar. Mid-term presentation Malene Slinning
Lice Vault- Implementing a model organism for studying vault function and application as smart adjuvant for fish vaccination 10.15–11.00 K3/K4, Biologen, Thormøhlens gt 53B