Oslo 20110829.
En mann avlegger stemme i valglokalet på Rådhuset mandag. Illustrasjonsbilder i forbindelse med kommunevalget 2011.
Foto: Son Nguyen / Scanpix
Dear all,
We need proposals for Group D (students) to the faculty board and the institute boards,both female and male candidates.
Being a member of the faculty board is an opportunity to influence strategic decisions for the faculty.
In the last board meeting 16th February 2023 the accounts «1. Regnskap for 2022 og overføring til 2023», as well as the new strategy «2. Strategi 2023-2030» were approved.
Would you like to contribute to ensure MN-fac has a strong faculty board during the next period, or do you know of someone who would make a good candidate on
the board? Then we would like to hear from you by 12 noon on 20th March 2023.
The deadline for proposing a candidate is 12 noon on 20th March 2023.
How to put forth proposals to members of the Faculty Board:
- The proposal must be in writing.
- The proposal must be signed by at least the same number of proposers as the
number of candidates the proposal contains. - The proposer(s) must be entitled to vote in the election. No one can sign more
than one proposal. - All proposed candidates must be eligible.
- If any candidate is entitled to exemption from election, a written consent from the candidate must be attached to the proposal.
- The proposal must be submitted no later than 12 noon 20th March.
- Submit your proposals by e-mail to gry.parker@uib.no. The written proposal must
be attached.
For more information about the election please visit the MN-website, alternatively the website of your institute.
You send your proposal to gry.parker@uib.no