Fire drill at Thormøhlens gate 53A/53B June 6th 2023

Photo: Colourbox

A fire drill was carried out in building 53A/53B on Tuesday 6th June 2023.

Evacuation was fulfilled within 5 minutes, and most of the people meet at the evacuation point by the propeller. It’s important that everyone meets at the propeller, and no one obstructs any emergency vehicles from the fire station. Therefore, next time please take care to stand on the sidewalk next to the propeller, and not in the area meant for vehicles.

We would also like to point out that everyone has a responsibility to put on the yellow vest and act as fire site manager if the responsible person is not present.

If the yellow vest is still present in the corridor during evacuation, then anyone can put the vest on and act as the fire site manager.

A fire site manager (yellow vest) should

  • Ensure evacuation from the area is initiated immediately in the event of fire alarm.
  • Assistance is provided when evacuating people with disabilities.
  • Be available for the user representative (orange vest) when security is needed.


In building A, it has been documented that it’s difficult to hear the fire alarm in study halls and some offices when using noise cancelling headphones. It is therefore important that everyone is aware of this and listens extra if the alarm is triggered. This is especially important after working hours when the permanent staff is not available.