Notice about planned maintenance work at TM55 Datablokken August 29-30

Foto: Eivind Senneseth

Information about up and coming work:

  • There will be crane lifting avtivity by the main entrance of Datablokken next Tuesday, the 29th of August between 08:00 and 14:00.

Some deviations in time may occur.

  • A full-scale test of all ventilation units is planned for the 30th of August. The test includes a test with smoke cartridges and there may be some smoke in the areas between 12:30 and 14:30.
  • There are som problems with the fan in the ventilation unit that serves the 5th and 6th floor, and the unit has therefore been operating at  reduced speed for the past few days. We are working on getting the error rectified.


Med vennlig hilsen

Mina Hille
Prosjekt- og byggeleder

416 70 941

OPAK Bergen AS
Solheimsgaten 16 B
5058 Bergen
Tlf: 22 51 77 00