Welcome to seminar on soya 15. Sept. (14.30 – 16.30) at the University Museum. Sign up: Soya de siste 100 år (uib.no)
Month: September 2023
FN har i dag vedtatt en viktig rapport om fremmede arter – nyhetssak fra UiB.no
Norwegian language UiB professor Vigdis Vandvik har vært med å skrive Naturpanelets nylige vedtatte globale rapport om fremmede arter som danner et viktig kunnskapsgrunnlag for arbeidet med mål nr.6 i FNs naturavtale. Les saken her: https://www.uib.no/matnat/164566/fn-har-i-dag-vedtatt-en-viktig-rapport-om-fremmede-arter
What happens to biodiversity in rivers? Article in Nature
Norwegian language Hva skjer med biologisk mangfold i elver? Vi har undersøkt utviklingen av biologisk mangfold i Europas elver de siste 55 årene. I studien analyserte vi trender i biologisk mangfold av insekter og andre vannlevende smådyr ved hjelp av…
USA next year? Application deadline for Fulbright stipend for 2024-25 October 1st
Please be reminded that the application deadline for Fulbright stipends for the USA for the academic year of 2024-25 is October 1st 2023 About. 30 scholarships are offered, in all disciplines at Master’s, PhD, post-doc and senior researcher level. Scholarship…
Horizon Europe: Your pathway to collaborative projects. UiB event October 3rd 2023
Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5, 3 October, 2023
Substitute/new HR contact person
As mentioned in Julie’s leader 18. August, Mathilde Høgalmen who is the Department’s contact person/admin officer in HR-matters, will be on leave from October. Therese Myhre Odfjell will be our new contact person for HR during Matilde’s leave. We ask…
Missing link? Spice up your UiB personal page with MazeMap!
On the personal page that all UiB employees have, the visiting address and postal address are shown. There should automatically be a street address, but it can sometimes be wrong. In addition, it is possible to enter a room number…
To employees and students who have local administrator access on a UiB PC
If you do not need administrator access to any UiB PC, you may ignore this e-mail. This autumn we are working on IT security measures for the entire university, to protect UiB PCs and data. See news article in På…
Wed 13. Sep. PhD trial lecture Agnieszka Ruminska
Costs and benefits of group living in mammals and birds 10.15-11.00 Zoom webinar: https://tinyurl.com/3j5d3rdw
GO2NE Webinar 13 September 2023 17:00 CEST with Natalya Gallo and Anne Gro Vea Salvanes
We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming webinar on ocean deoxygenation organized by the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE). The 22nd webinar will take place on 13 September 2023, at 17:00 CEST.