Month: September 2023

Greetings from the department 1.9.2023

Hei dere, In exactly one year, BIO is scheduled to have a new head of department. Then my two term periods are over. I look forward to this last year and hope that we will achieve many good results in…

Successful CONFECT symposium August 22-23

The meeting brought together researchers who use both quantitative and experimental methods in virus ecology and evolution from around the world (New Zealand and New Caledonia included), and it was a very successful meeting with room for good discussions.

Dyrevernalliansens forskningsfond utlyser midler

Norwegian language Forskere og studenter hos dere er hjertelig velkomne til å søke om midler.  I 2023 vil det bli utdelt inntil 1.500.000 kroner. Søknadsfristen er 20. september 2023. Les mer: