Autumn is here – have you registered your holiday?

Foto: Colourbox


Autumn is upon us and soon it will be 2024! Whether you are planning to spend the rest of your 2023 vacation days under the sun or in the snow, there is one thing you must do immediately: Register your remaining vacation days for 2023 in Selvbetjeningsportalen! It is a requirement that everyone register their vacation, and it is the general rule that all vacation days have to be taken out within the calendar year.

Not certain when you wish to take some days off? Register them now anyway (you can change the dates later) and avoid risking that someone else decides when you’re taking your holiday. You will also avoid follow-up via emails and visits from the administration.

So, if you have any vacation days left, please make it your priority to register these now!

Further information on how to register holiday can be found here (in Norwegian):

Universitetet i Bergen :: Medarbeiderhåndbok :: ferie ( If you have any questions regarding holiday or how to register this in Selvbetjeningsportalen, you are welcome to ask your local HR contact.


We also recommend that you take a look at your flexible working hours balance now. The UiB Employee handbook says: “It is permitted to transfer 50 plus hours or 10 minus hours to the next settlement period. Any minus hours over 10 minus hours result in a deduction in salary. Plus hours over 50 plus hours are deleted without compensation.”