Tue 28 Nov. UiB Redelighetsutvalget, seminar: Genetic modification in the light of research ethics – Is it unethical not to bet on GMOs?

Foto: Colourbox

When: 9.00-13.00

Where: Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5

Registration deadline: 15. november

More info and registration here.  Please note the full program is only published on the Norwegian event webpage.

Tuesday 6. June 2023. the genetic technology committee (Genteknologiutvalget) presented their investigation, NOU 2023: 18 Genteknologi i en bærekraftig fremtid [Norwegian language].

In this seminar, we will get a presentation of the genetic technology committee’s investigation by committe leader Anna Wargelius, in addition to several short presentations followed by a debate about genetic technology seen in a research ethics light.