[Text and illustration are cut from På Høyden and translated by us] In its revised strategic plan “Knowledge that shapes society”, the University of Bergen has clear objectives for the development of the working environment. As part of this work,…
Month: December 2023
URGENT: Please help us spread information about SEAS Call 4 in relevant networks (application deadline: January 15th)
Dear SEAS fellows and others This will be the final SEAS call. If we don’t fill the three positions, we will not reach the goal of 37 SEAS fellows. We really need help to spread the information. Any relevant networks,…
Report from input meeting for Stortingsmelding on climate and natural diversity in Bergen 27.11.2023 – led by Andreas Bjelland Eriksen, Ministry of Climate and Environment
[Norwegian language] Regjeringen skal i løpet av 2024 legge fram en stortingsmelding om naturmangfold for å følge opp den nye internasjonale naturavtalen, og en stortingsmelding om klima for perioden fram mot 2035 på veien mot lavutslippssamfunnet i 2050. Inger Måren…
News from the Plastic Network: Taking the temperature on the research front within plastics and microplastics
[Our translation] With a total of 115 registered participants physically and digitally, the Plastics Network at UiB, in collaboration with the Norwegian Society for Toxicology and Pharmacology, the Norwegian Institute for Water Research and the Institute of Marine Research, invited…
PHOTOSYNTECH is looking for new members!
BIO is part of a research school started in the autumn of 2022. It is called PHOTOSYNTECH – Photosynthetic Eukaryotes: From Fundamentals to Applications in Biology, Bioproduction and Biotechnology. It is lead by Kirsten Krause at University of Tromsø, and…
News from Khrono (opinion): the Norwegian research community with silent accept of ethnic discrimination
[Our translation] Norce has decided to shut the doors on researchers from “red countries”. This goes agains our liberal core values, but nobody cares. The statement is taken from Mikko Heino’s opionion in Khrono. Read the whole article in Khrono…
Mon 4 Dec. Master’s presentation, Jo Markus Worren
Virulence factors of Pasteurella atlantica genomovar salmonicida and effect on salmon leucocytes When: 10.15-10.45 Where: Seminarrom K1, A-blokken, Biologen (TM53A)
Tue 5 Dec. MolBio seminar, Stefan Thiele
Methanogenesis and methanotrophy in open system pingos on Svalbard When: 9.15-10.00 Where: Seminarrom 439C1 (Inkubatoren), 4et, Bioblokken, TM55