Do you play an orchestra instrument and would like to play with others? The University Symphony Orchestra (USO – Universitetets symfoniorkester) rehearses every Wednesday from 18:30-21:30 in Prøvesalen at the Grieg Academy (Lars Hilles gate 3). The orchestra is starting to rehearse a new repertoire on February 28th with a concert planned for May 5th, so this is a great time to join! Most of the members are UiB employees, students and alumni. We can always use more string players, especially cello, viola and double bass, and we also have vacancies for brass and bassoon. The upcoming repertoire is Beethoven’s Overture for Egmont, Chopin’s piano concerto no 1 in E minor, and Mozart’s symphony no 40.
To join USO, send an email to There is more information on the website and the orchestra also has a Facebook page: