The European Marine Board (EMB) Ambassador Programme, established in 2019, is a two-year programme aiming to increase awareness and engagement from early career scientists with current marine science-policy topics in Europe.
Month: February 2024
Welfare info: Do you want to play in a symphoni orchestra?
Do you play an orchestra instrument and would like to play with others? The University Symphony Orchestra (USO – Universitetets symfoniorkester) rehearses every Wednesday from 18:30-21:30 in Prøvesalen at the Grieg Academy (Lars Hilles gate 3).
Thu 7. March. Master’s presentation, Cecilie Danielsen
Piscine orthoreovirus-1 (PRV-1) infection dynamics: Investigation through temporal profiling of factors affecting viral susceptibility, infectiousness, and persistence in Atlantic salmon When: 13.15-13.45 Where: Konferanserom A, VilVite, Thormøhlensgt 51
Fri 8. March. Master’s presentation by Gudrun Lønning
“Uttesting av diverse molekylære adjuvanser, med fokus på CCL4 og CCL21, for DNA-vaksine mot lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)” When: 14.15-15.45 Where: Rom K2, A-blokken, Biologen
Greetings from the Department – 16.02.2024
Dear all, Yesterday we had a department council meeting where accounts for 2023, with a result of approx. 6 million in operating profit, were adopted. As previously mentioned, this means that our deficit is now NOK 40.9 million. It also…
New member of staff – María Fernández
Hello! My name is María Fernández and I come from Vigo, a city located in the north of Spain and famous for its fishing industry. I just started as a postdoctoral researcher in the Environmental Toxicology group, as a part…
Feedback regarding revision of UiB’s Quality System for Education
[The head of education [utdanningsleder] coordinates the issue at BIO. If you have feedback or questions, please contact] In the spring of 2023, the Education Committee [Utdanningsutvalget] set up a working group which was tasked with preparing a proposal…
Grants for fisheries research 2024 – Additional call with application deadline 13. March 2023
The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries is responsible for the management of grants for fisheries research financed by the fisheries research levy. In 2024, there is more than NOK 6 million left in the grant scheme. There will therefore be an…
Wed 21 Feb. Master’s opportunities at the Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)
Welcome to an information meeting about master’s opportunities at the Department of Biological Sciences When: 10.15-12.00 Where: Aktiv 2, Høyteknologisenteret, 1. floor Wednesday 21. February at 10.15-12.00 we all bachelor’s students in Biology and Molecular Biology are invited to an…
NRC, tip: Joint Call for Proposals on Ecological Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining 2023
Joint Call for Proposals on Ecological Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining 2023 Skissefrist: 01. mar 2024Søknadsfrist for full søknad: 30. september 2024Program: JPI Oceans