Hei! Whether you are a beginner or experienced – we have Horizon Europe courses which will fit your needs! There are still available seats on our upcoming courses. A.3 – Looking for partners and joining consortia (short webinar)
Month: February 2024
Hestad landscape conservation area – hearing of proposal for adjustment of conservation boundaries
[Our translation] The county governor of Vestland (Statsforvaltaren i Vestland) hereby submits a proposal for consultation on boundary adjustment for the Hestad landscape conservation area. The background for the border adjustment is that it may seem unclear where the borders…
Invitation to register for a BioRender Group License
BioRender is a web-based tool to create professional scientific illustrations, see here for more: https://www.biorender.com/. If you are interested in a joining in on a discounted Group License (215 USD vs 420 USD for individual users), please register here: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=16478782
Join the Corporate Sports Team at the University of Bergen (UBIL)
Do you want to train with good colleagues? The university’s corporate sports team (UBIL) has groups within football climbing orientation bowling shooting cycling table tennis swimming We now welcome new members and invite you to join! Find out more and…
UiB: New application period for the cabins – the summer of 2024
You can now apply for the desired period at the welfare cabins for the summer of 2024, in the period June 30 to August 18. The application deadline is March 17. Draw: March 20. The winners will get information by…
Thu 22. Feb. Kunnskapseplet: How do hydrogen explosions sound and look like? CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS
Fri 8. March. Breakfast seminar – Equality – diversity – inclusion
[Our translation] We invite you to the first breakfast seminar of the year on 8 March with the theme: Equality – diversity – inclusion The seminar takes place digitally on Zoom Friday 08.March 0830-1000am. Sign up here: Frokostseminar – Det…
Greetings from the Department – 9.2.2024
All groups [faggrupper] have been given a task to go through the course portfolio. We will consider many things: Is each course still relevant? Updated? Do the course and learning outcome descriptions describe the course well? Is the number of…
Dean Gunn Mangerud’s blogg
[Norwegian language] En kjernefasilitet
REMINDER: bioCEED 10-year anniversity March 6th
BioCEED is inviting you to celebrate our 10-year anniversary in the University Aula March 6, at 12:00-17:00. Sign up here: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=16290450