Greetings from the Department – 29.03.2024

Instituttleder Ørjan Totland. Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB

It was with great sorrow that we at BIO received the news that Ingunn Wergeland passed away last week. Ingunn was the administrative leader at the Sea Lice centre for excellence in innovation and truly left a lasting impression as a highly skilled, warm, and helpful leader for everyone at the center, and a very good colleague for everyone at BIO. I personally greatly benefited and enjoyed having her by my side in many important financial and strategic processes, and she was a very good supporter and friend for us here in the administration. Our thoughts are with her family. Thank you, Ingunn, for who you were and all you gave to us.

Now, the Easter holiday is finally approaching. I would like to thank all of you for your outstanding efforts on all fronts. Especially regarding all the effort you put into external financing of our research and teaching activities. I am impressed! In this context, I would like to highlight a few quotes from the EVALBIOVIT evaluation of our research activities throughout the period 2011-2021. The expert panel says about BIO that “the research is of very good to outstanding quality, internationally visible and highly acknowledged. The extensive research collaborations both in Norway and internationally are exemplary.” Furthermore, the report states: “The large size, diverse research portfolio, professionalism, and strategic approach are key assets for the future, and the administrative unit has what it takes to succeed in meeting its strategic targets for research and goals for societal impact.” Congratulations to all of us! These are very encouraging words to carry forward. We will initiate a process where we thoroughly consider the feedback and recommendations we have received and assess measures.

I wish you all a truly enjoyable Easter holiday, and I look forward to embarking on the final stretch towards summer. I hope you all have a good rest and recharge your batteries.

