canSERV Invites Cancer Researchers to Apply for Free State of the Art Research Services and Training in a Second Open Call for Service Provision European life science infrastructures offer academia and industry free of charge access to cutting-edge cancer research services to address the needs of the…
Month: March 2024
Tue 12. mar. MOLbio-seminar, Øyvind Strømland
Breaking NAD+, hydrolysis and signaling When: 9.15-10.00 Where: Room 439C1, 4. floor, Bioblokken (TM55, “Inkubatoren”)
Tue 12. March, NTVA- Tekna seminar series: Do we need alternative monetary systems?
Do we need alternative monetary systems? | The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | UiB Light serving outside auditorium 2 in the Realfagbygget from 4 p.m. Open to everyone! The talks are held in Norwegian.
Mobilization seminar: AI for trust and sustainability
When: 10. April 10-14 Where: Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5 Sign-up deadline: 2. april Read more and register here [Norwegian language]
Fri 15. Mar. Master’s thesis presentation, Aruhn Thevarajan
Fekunditet hos lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) på laks i kommersielle oppdrettsanlegg When: 13.15-13.445 Where: Seminar room K1, 1. floor, block A, Biologen (TM53A)