Get ready for Once Ocean Week! April 13-19

One Ocean Expedition: Statsråd Lehmkuhl ankommer Bergen. Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB

Dear all,

it is a great pleasure to invite you all to One Ocean Week 2024 – starting Saturday 13th of April and lasting until Friday night 19th of April.

This Week is an annual tradition that started last year. It has become a week filled with events and meetings suitable for children and serious scientists alike. It is a collaboration between academic institutions, businesses, Bergen municipality and Vestland county – co-organized through the One Ocean Havbyen Bergen<>. Almost all events listed are free and open to the public.

Check out the full menu here: – There is an app with an overview of all activities that will help you navigate through the maze of opportunities, from family events<> to late night Ocean Science Bars<>.

You can find the menu offered by the University here:

We have several events at the Museum, in Skolten, two at Litteraturhuset, four Ocean Science Bars at Statsraaden Bar & Reception,  and three full day conferences in Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5, to mention some.

On Wednesday 17th we have six presentations about the North Sea<> – a North Sea seminar – with different perspectives and disciplines. This is a rare opportunity to get an update on the history, including the natural history, of the North Sea, current issues in fisheries, transition from oil and gas to renewables, and the legal frames of our operations. This may be of great interest also to students, so encourage them to join.

Similarly – on Thursday and Friday there is a scientific conference – Ocean Outlook<> <> – with a focus on the Atlantic Ocean, with extensive participation from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This is a collaboration between the Nansen Centre, Institute of Marine Research, NORCE and UiB – and is open to the general public and students. Here is a unique chance to learn about ongoing research on the temperature anomaly in the Atlantic, the deep sea, marine life and pollutants, and to lat students drop in to get a taste of a scientific conference.

There is still room for contributing posters! Contact

I encourage you to join the Ocean Week – take part in the discussions and learn about all that goes on in Havbyen Bergen!



Øyvind Fiksen