EuroMarine calls for proposals now open

Dear EuroMarine GA representatives and SC and OYSTER members,

We are delighted to announce that the following EuroMarine calls for proposalsare now open:

  • Foresight Workshops: EuroMarine Foresight Workshops (FSW) provide an opportunity for research teams to scope and collaborate on an existing or emerging topic in marine science research. Workshops should take an innovative, “horizon scanning” approach to their topic and should target a scientific publication as an intended outcome. A maximum of €7,500 will be available for each funded workshop. Deadline for submissions: 30th August 2024.
  • Long-Term Scientific Working Groups: In 2024, EuroMarine will fund 1 proposal, according to the total budget available of €12,500. The topic for this LTSWG should be focused on how to identify and compare solutions that can be scaled up to increase the impact of restoration projects on marine ecosystems. Deadline for submissions: 30th August 2024.
  • EuroMarine School: The School is an opportunity to host a training workshop that will equip attendees with new knowledge and innovative approaches to address ocean challenges. A maximum of €20,000 is available for funding and the school is expected to be held in 2025. Deadline for submissions: 30th August 2024.

EuroMarine remains committed to continuously supporting its members with new services. We encourage you to disseminate the calls among your colleagues and help us increase our impact within the marine research community.

Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter and be the first to hear about our next initiatives.

Best regards,

Emma Bello Gómez

Executive Director – EuroMarine Network
