Greetings from the Department – 9.5.2024

Melanie Burford, Silvereye Pictures

This has been a fantastic week. Spring has arrived in full swing and the temperature has crept above 20 degrees!
A lot has happened in the Molecular biology group this week. Thomas Stevenson defended his thesis on Tuesday. Under the supervision of Sushma Grellscheid and Kari Fladmark, he has studied how some microscopic organelles in the cells, so-called stress granules, function and how they can have an impact on disease, such as e.g. neurodegenerative disorders in humans. Many congratulations Thomas for a great job! This week, our new master’s students have also been presented with master’s projects, and first-year bachelor’s students have had an information meeting, with information about further studies and they have gained an insight into the compulsory courses they will have next semester.

In the autumn, we will start two new courses: Techniques, model systems and current research topics in molecular biology ( and Molecular biology of the nervous system ( We are looking forward to this and hope that many students will choose these subjects.

For the master’s students who started in August, submission is approaching. Keep up the good work, it’s nice to see so much good work that has been done! And to all the rest of you who also do a brilliant job; keep going, there will be many well-deserved days off in May 🙂
