Remuneration funds for newly written or translated non-fiction – application deadline 31 May

[Our translation]

Have you had a non-fiction text published that you have written or translated in the last three years? Then you may be entitled to receive remuneration!

The Norwegian Association of Nonfiction Writers and Translators (NFFO) administers a scheme we call rights remuneration, which was announced in April. We are now looking for authors and translators who may be entitled to money.

This concerns texts such as articles and books that have been published in such a way that they can generate remuneration for NFFO through collective management organisations, such as Kopinor and Norwaco. This means that texts published under free licenses (Open Access) will not qualify to receive compensation.

But we have reason to believe that there are more of you who may still be entitled to remuneration through this scheme, for texts published in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

The minimum payment per owner per year is NOK 1,000. Premium payment per owner per year is limited to NOK 30,000. You can be claimed for several releases at the same time. You must not be a member of NFFO to submit your claim.

And feel free to read about the experiences of biology professor Anne Svedrup-Thygeson<> at NMBU, and literature professor and head of department Lars August Fodstad<> at NTNU, when they got their demands through in the scheme last year.

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