HSE update2: Exposure register in stoffkartotek.uib.no – News!

All employees and students who may be exposed to mutagenic, carcinogenic and reproductively harmful chemicals must register the use of such chemicals in the exposure register. From 5 April this year, all H360 phrases were included and subject to registration.

When are you exposed?

Even if you work with personal protective equipment and work takes place in fume hoods, we still cannot rule out exposure, and therefore all use of such chemicals must be considered as exposure and the use must be registered.

This means that all use of chemicals labelled with the following H-phrases must be registered in the exposure register:

  • H340     May cause genetic defects
  • H350     May cause cancer
  • H350i    May cause cancer by inhalation
  • H360     May damage fertility or the unborn child
  • H360F   May damage fertility
  • H360D   May damage the unborn child
  • H360FD May damage fertility. May damage the unborn child
  • H360Fd May damage fertility. Suspected of damaging the unborn child
  • H360Df  May damage the unborn child. Suspected of damaging fertility

At BIO, we have a total of 202 chemicals that require registration in the exposure register. The use of formamide is one example that now requires registration in the exposure register (H360D). We encourage everyone to check the data sheets for the chemicals they use and see if it is necessary to register their use in the exposure register. The exposure register is available in the chemical inventory list.

Link to the chemical inventory list: https://stoffkartotek.uib.no/

All employees and students have access to the chemical inventory list via FEIDE login, and therefore you are responsible to register the use yourself in the exposure register. A short description on how to make the registration are available in BIO’s HSE handbook.

For bachelor students who participate in laboratory courses, we will continue to register class lists and store them in Ephorte. The course coordinators must review which chemicals are used and notify Beate if the chemicals are labelled with one of the H-phrases that require registration in the exposure register:

In the chemical inventory list, all chemicals that require registration in the exposure register are marked with a red symbol.

More information about the chemical inventory list and the exposure register are available on the HSE-gateway, Chemical inventory, exposure register and safety labeling | The HSE-gateway | UiB. In addition, BIO’s HSE handbook is regularly updated with new information HSE-handbook for Department of Biological Sciences | Department of Biological Sciences (BIO) | UiB

For questions, please contact Ann Kristin (Ann Kristin Frøyset, HMS-koordinator – <Ann.Froyset@uib.no>).