Tue Sept 17. Mobility seminar for researchers (UiB)

Foto/ill: Colourbox

International Centre together with the Occupational Health services, IT-department, and the division of Research and Innovation is hosting a mobility seminar for you who are planning a research stay abroad.

The topics that will be covered:

  • Health and vaccinations
  • IT security
  • Social security affiliation outside
  • Norway Health rights abroad
  • Taxation Insurance
  • Change of address
  • Personal security
  • Are you traveling with family?
  • Financing possibilities

About the seminar 17.09.2024 – 13.00–15.30: The seminar will be in English. You will receive a link to the zoom seminar when you are registered.

For more information and registration: https://www.uib.no/en/international/168136/mobility-seminar-researchers


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