Welfare offer: Concerts in the University Aula

The Aula Series has in recent years developed into one of the country’s most recognized new initiatives in classical music. Since 2020, they have filled the University Aula in Oslo and the Munch destination Ramme with around 30 annual concerts. Now, they will finally contribute to developing the University Aula in Bergen as a concert venue through exciting, high-quality musical content. The audience can expect the biggest classical names both nationally and internationally, as well as young Norwegian performers at the start of their careers. See aulaseriene.no for the program, newsletter, more info, and special prices for UiB employees.


Friday, September 20 – Opening Concert: Dvořák, Schumann & Brahms

Friday, October 25 – Harmoniens Chamber Series: Brahms & Saint-Saëns

Friday, November 8 – Trio con Brio Copenhagen: Sørensen, Prokofiev & Brahms

