[Our translation] Studieavdelingen (SA) announces OS funds (Organisational Support) for the academic year 2024-25. The OS funds are generated by mobility through the Erasmus program and will be used for measures that will promote international student mobility with good academic…
Month: September 2024
Tue 1. Oct. PhD trial lecture, Jessica Tengvall
Ecosystem-based fisheries management in theory and practice: reality or utopia? 14.15-15.00 Room K3/K4, B-block, Biologen
Tue 1. Oct. MolBio seminar, Oksana Sintsova
Confirmatory and illuminating investigation of crustacean NMDA receptors 9.15-10.00 The Incuabotr (room 439C1), 4et. Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Thu 3. Oct. PhD trial lecture Shalaka Patil
The ecology and biogeochemistry of glacier ecosystems 11:15-12:00 Teams webinar (click to join)
From Research to Academic Startup – TILT workshop October 4th
VIS has launched a new program for researcher entrepreneurship for researchers with an innovative idea or technology that has the potential to become the next generation product or service. Are you motivated to explore commercial opportunities and realize your research…
Invitation from the rector: Seminar on tools for cooperation with the Palestinian professional community on 18 October
[Our translation] Open seminar for UiB staff and students, October 18th, 9am-12, Ulrike Pihl’s house: Introduksjon til virkemidler for samarbeid med palestinske fagmiljø som er rammet av krigen The program includes current perspectives, financing arrangements and examples. Middle East expert…
Greetings from the Department – 20.09.2024
Hi BIO, This time I would like to highlight our researchers who are in the early stages of their careers, namely PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.
Dean Gunn Mangerud’s blog
Mobilisering for Nygårdshøyden sør
Wed 25 Sep. PhD defense, Sahar Sartipiyarahmadi
Exploring the use of blue mussel silage and fermented sugar kelp as low trophic marine resources in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) diet 14.15-16.45 Lille auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret
The Biology programme board – the fairest fairytale of fall
We think it would be nice if we could liven up the website of the programme boards with a picture to show that a programme board is not primarily an “organ” or an “agency”, but people – committed, competent and…