Author: mbika

UNLEASH Greenland 2022

Are you a student who would like to go to Greenland for free to support the acceleration of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arctic? August 20th – 27th 2022 UNLEASH is launching an Innovation Lab in Nuuk, Greenland, for…

Young CAS fellowship 2023-2024

Are you a young researcher looking for a unique opportunity to grow your professional network and develop your research? Apply for a Young CAS Fellowship! The Young CAS Fellow programme is an opportunity for researchers below the age of 40…

Plast i Arktis

This content is available in Norwegian language only Plastnettverket og Polarnettverket inviterer til en foredragskveld om plast i Arktis. Kom og hør forskere fra Norsk Polarinstitutt og Niva fortelle om effekter av plast i arktiske dyr og hvordan plasten ender…

Bli med på Forsker grand prix? Søknadsfrist 30. april

This content is available in Norwegian language only Er du ph.d.-kandidat og har lyst å lære mer om formidling? Forsker grand prix er en forskningsformidlingskonkurranse for ph.d.-kandidater, og i år er Bergensfinalen 28. september. Som deltaker i Forsker grand prix…

Presentation of nominees for the department council

A supplementary election of members representing group B (temporarily employed scientific staff) and group D (students) will be held in May. The list of nominees with a little information about each has now been published on the department’s election wegpage