Dear all, As communications contact points for the partners in the IRISCC consortium, we kindly ask for your support in promoting the Call for Expression of Interest to Volunteer as a Peer Reviewer for the IRISCC Transnational Access.
Author: mbika
Environmental Toxicology grouop at the NSFT winter meeting
[Our translation] Many of the Environmental Toxicology Group’s members participated at Norsk Selskap for Farmakologi og Toksikologi’s winter meeting at Beitostølen (23.1-25.1). The group was well represented in the program with lectures by Anders Goksøyr, post doc. Maria Miguez, and…
Mon 3. Feb. PhD mid-term presentation, Brenda Vazquez
Connectivity and adaptions of Pseudosetia griegi and Pseudosetia sp. (Gastropoda: Rissoidae) to chemosynthesis-based ecosystems along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge 14.15-15.00 Rom K1, Biologen, A-blokken
Bioteknologirådet. Frokostmøte i Bergen 5. februar: Jakten på superbakteriene
Tid: kl. 08.30 – 09.15 onsdag 5. februar Sted: Litteraturhuset i Bergen og strømming.
Selskapet til Vitenskapenes Fremme. Plagiat! Juks! Årets første arrangement fredag 7. februar
Foto: SVT – Thomassen, Selnes, Vandvik, Lillebø Kanskje er det både lettare å plagiere og lettare å bli ferska for plagiat i dag enn det var då ordet plagiarus, som tyder kidnappar, første gong blei brukt i første århundre fvt.…
The Michael Sars Symposium 2025 – June 6th
Decoding signals and unveiling architectures, from molecules to organisms Registration for the Michael Sars Symposium 2025 is now open. For program and registration, please see the event homepage.
Editorial – 24.01.2025
Tekna, the trade union for natural scientists, technologists, and students, recently organized, in collaboration with the Fish Health group at BIO, a meeting on the education program in fish health.
Wed 12. Feb. Presentation of the national graduate school PHOTOSYNTEC
13.00-14.00 Tunet (4th floor, A-block, Biologen) On February the 12th we will have a visit from Kirsten Krause and Sunniva K Thode from the University of Tromsø. They are leaders of the Norwegian graduate school on Photosyntethic Eukaryotes PHOTOSYNTHEC (Photosyntech –…
Do you have a good idea? Seek support!
UiB idé gives employees and students the opportunity to apply for support to test and develop good innovation ideas. The maximum funding amount is NOK 500,000 for researcher projects, and NOK 100,000 for student projects. The application deadline is the 14th…
Internal deadline and routines for applications towards NFR Call Deadline March 2025
NFR has announced their annual calls for Researcher Projects and Collaborative and Knowledge-building Projects. Planned calls final and open for submission: 22.01.2024 NFR Application deadline: 05.03.2025 BIO proposal registration deadline: 31.01.2025