From proteotoxicity to pancreatic cancer: Lessons from the CEL gene 9.15-10.00 the “N-terminal” (room 439C1), 4. floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Author: mbika
Wed 13. Nov. PhD mid-term presentation, Monisha Barate
The role of ecology, historical climate change and tectonic events on the evolution and diversification of extant rocky-shore marine species: The case of Smaragdinella snails 12.15-13.00 The seminar room, Michael Sars Centre, 2. floor, Bioblokken, Høyteknologisenteret
Thu 14. Nov. PhD trial lecture, Haohang Fang
Nutritionally challenges when changing from animal based to plant based ingredients in fish feeds 8.15-9.00 Zoom webinar:
Selskapet til vitenskapenes fremme – To spennende foredrag i November!
Torsdag 14. November: Barn i fattige familier i Norge Tid og sted:Litteraturhuset i Bergen , torsdag 14. november klokken 18:00. Arrangementet er gratis og åpent for alle. Onsdag 20. November: Framtidens velferd. Omsorgs-roboter eller lokale almenninger? Tid og sted:Litteraturhuset i…
UiB’s study quality seminar 6. December. Registration deadline – 18. November
[Our translation] The Education committee’s [Utdanningsutvalget] annual study quality seminar takes place on Friday 6 December at 9.00 – 12.30 atStorsalen Nygårdsgaten 5 Target group: Academic and administrative education leaders – including vice-deans/deans for education, program board leaders and lecturers,…
Greetings from the Department 31.10.2024
A topic that has concerned me for a long time is the challenging conditions for basic research in Norway. In our “faggruppe”, Microbiology, most of the work is focused on basic research, which is also the case for many other…
Our call to the countries of the world – the nature summit in Cali
[Our translation9 Towards the UN’s nature summit COP16, which is currently underway in Colombia, UiB professors Vigdis Vandvik and Inger Elisabeth Måren have made eight calls to the government. They emphasize the importance of following up on the nature agreement…
How can Stortinget raise the level of ambition for Norwegian nature?
This question is asked by the authors Ingunn Elise Myklebust, Professor in law science, UiB, Marit Ruge Bjærke, Researcher at the Department of archeology, history, culture and religion, UiB and Vigdis Vandvik, Professor in biology, UiB in this column in Rett…
Travel support for PhD and masterstudent’s working within the fields of climate- and energy transition
UiB Climate and Energy Transition has published a call for travel stipends for master’s and PhD students working within the field. Stipends of up to 12000 NOK can be granted to each applicant. Application deadline: Friday 15. November 12pm. Read…
UiB OCEAN: Invitation to premiere viewing of the Netflix-documentary “Our Oceans”
[Our translation] A warm welcome to the premiere screening of the Netflix documentary “Our Oceans”, and the episode about the Arctic Ocean. When: Tuesday 19. November 19.00 – 21.00. Where: Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5 NB – sign up here: