Category: BIO News


Hello all, After Christmas holidays and a small winter, we are back to normal, from sparkling cold winter weather to plus degrees and rain. But what is normal in the classroom, and how is it experienced by students who need…

Fri 31. Jan. PhD defense, Helena Marie Doherty Midtbø

Functional characterisation of salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) labial gland proteins: Implications for host immune modulation and anti-coagulation 15.15-18.00 Lille auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret Read Helena’s press release [Norwegian language] – Lakselusspytt kan drepe immuncellene til laksen

Holiday guidelines at BIO for 2025

We know it may be hard for some of you to use all your available days of holiday before the end of the year.  We therefore encourage everyone to start planning your holiday already now. Please note that it will…

Fri 24 Jan. PhD trial lecture, Miguel Angel Meca Jimenez

Marine metabarcoding: Applications and challenges 10.15-11.00 Lille auditorium, Datablokken, Høyteknologisenteret Evaluation committee Professor Egil E. Karlsbakk, Associate Professor Christiane Eichner (both at BIO) and Associate Professor Aino Hosia (University Museum of Bergen)

New primary contact for HR, Magnus Larsen

Magnus Larsen has taken over as BIO’s primary contact for HR, replacing Therese Myhre Odfjell who has moved to a new position at the Medical faculty. Magnus will be present at BIO Wednesdays and Thursdays after lunch.