Category: Calendar

NRC: Information meeting for potential applicants at UiB 31. May

Norwegian language Viserektor Gottfried Greve inviterer UiBs fagmiljøer som er interessert i Forskningsrådet sin utlysning midler under nasjonal forskningsinfrastruktur (INFRASTRUKTUR) i 2023 til informasjonsmøte. Målgruppen er UiBs søkermiljøer inkludert forskere, ledere og administrative. 31.05.2023 – 08.30–10.00 FIA sine lokaler i Jekteviksbakken…

Fri 9. Jun. PhD defense, Paula Miramón-Puértolas

Mesenterial adult stem-like cells as a potential source of germinal and somatic lineages in a sea anemone 14.00-16.00 Stort auditorium, Høyteknologisenteret For more info, see the webcalendar entry The press release is only available in Norwegian language

Tir 16 mai. Student Poster Symposium at BIO

Everyone is warmly welcome to the student poster symposium for the following courses: BIO219, BIO241, BIO299, MOL231, MOL270, SDG215 and GEOF338. All posters will be on display in the mezzanine area of Vil Vite.

PhD defense, Laura Camila Pacheco Riaño

Unravelling the complexity of plant community responses to climate change 12.15-14.00 Stort auditorium, Datablokken, 2. floor. Høyteknologisenteret or Zoom webinar: Committee Professor Kari Anne Braathen, UiT, førsteamanuensis Naia Morueta Holme, University of Denmark, professor Peter Manning, BIO, UiB Leader…