On September 12th, UiB and partners are organizing a plastic clean-up campaign at the coastal area outside of Bergen. Sign up for a useful and social cleanup campaign here.
Category: Calendar
Mon 2. Sept. Presentation of master’s thesis: Christina Marie Ingdal
Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Parr-Smolt Transformation and Seawater Performance in Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar L.): Flow Through Systems versus Resiculating Aquaculture Systems 10.15-10.45 Digital – contact Hilde.Armo@uib.no for link
Thu 5. Sept. PhD defense Maria Eleni Kokkali
Metabolic pathways and physiological functions of organic and inorganic trace minerals in Atlantic Salmon 10.15-12.45 Stort auditorium, Datablokken Les Marialenas pressemelding
Thu 5. Sep. PhD defense, Maaike Zwier
Winds of change A. multi-proxy approach to constrain Holocene climate and wind dynamics in the sub-Antarctic 14.15-15.45 Lille auditorium, Datablokken
Fri 6 Sept. Presentation of master’s thesis, Vincent Toby Mcdaniel
Helminth Parasites of Jellyfish: Diversity across Northeast Atlantic Waters and Dynamics in two Norwegian Fjords 10.15-10.45 Styrehuset, 2. floor, A-blokken, Biologen
Fri 6. Sept. Master’s presentation, Claire Alexandra Dagen
Impacts of Aquaculture Waste on Microalgae Communities and Bioprospecting Potential 11.15-11.45 Digital – contact Ingvil.Sahr@uib.no for link
Fri 13 Sept. Workhop & Talks – Nanopore Sequencing Technologies
Where will Nanopore Sequencing take us? Please join us for a day of insightful talks and workshops on the method and practical applications of Oxford Nanopore’s disruptive sequencing technology. Lunch, drinks and networking are included! Space is limited, so register…
UiB breakfast seminar on 25 September – Work environment mapping – What is it and why is it important?
[Our translation using Google translate] Digital breakfast seminar Tuesday 25 September on Zoom at 0830-1000 We invite you to this year’s third breakfast seminar on 25 September on working environment mapping – What is it and why is it important?
Wed 28. Aug. Master’s presentation Finn Morten Bloch-Johnsen
In-depth study of the immune response of children and pregnant women after influenza vaccination in rural Bangladesh 14.00-14.30 Inkubatoren (Room 439C1), 4th floor Bioblokken, Thormøhlensgt 55
Thu 29. Aug. Master’s presentation Emil Johnsen Loe
Towards a More Robust Salmon: Using CRISPR/Cas9 editing to increase protein levels in Zebrafish and Atlantic salmon 9.00-9.30 Zoom. Contact Linda Hjørnevik (linda.hjornevik@uib.no) for link