Category: Teaching and student matters

Registration – NT Teachers’ retreat

For the fourth time, The Faculty of Science and Technology and the Pedagogical Academy welcome you to the teachers’ retreat. We will also this year have a program with contributions from faculty teachers in round-table discussions, plenary activities and workshops.…

Call – insentivmidler [incentive funds] and Uglepris 2025

[Our translation] UiB is announcing incentive funds for study quality for 2025. The incentive scheme will support development initiatives that contribute to strengthened study quality and increased throughput. For 2025, NOK 2,100,000 has been set aside for the incentive scheme.…

Ugleprisen is awarded to BIO’s Poster Symposium

[Our translation] Institutt for biovitenskap ved Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi vant Ugleprisen 2024. Tildelingen skjedde ved utdanningsutvalgets årlige studiekvalitetsseminar, fredag. – Fantastic and well deserved! This group has worked hard to give the students the opportunity to present their…