Noise and exhaust from boat at Marineholmen

Hi all,

UiB has leased berths to Boston and the boat “Ren havn”, a company that has been hired by Bergen municipality to work on the remedial work with Store Lungegårdsvannet.

The original rental period and planned work is in the period from October to spring 2024. Since they started the work this week, I have received many complaints from colleagues at BIO about both noise and exhaust. Several HSE deviations have also been logged.

Exciting studies of gas bubble disease in fish in an interdisciplinary project

Foto: privat

[Norwegian language]

I siste nummer av Norsk Fiskeoppdrett har forskere fra NIVA, nui, Aqua Kompetanse, Patogen, Seafarming Systems, Akvaplan-niva, ILAB og UiB (BIO), to artikler som omhandler gasser i vann og effekten av overmetning på oppdrettsfisk. Artiklene er basert på prosjektet NYBRØK; «Ny brønnbåtkunnskap- biologiske risikofaktorer ved bruk av brønnbåt til transport og behandling av laks» som er støttet av Fiskeri- og havbruksnæringens Forskningsfinansiering (FHF).

Reminder – Call: Funding for Arctic Research and Studies between institutions in Norway and Iceland

The call provides funding for collaboration on the development of project applications within Arctic research and studies between institutions in Norway and Iceland.

Applications will be processed continuously through 2023. Final application deadline: 1 December 2023.
Read more and apply for funding [Norwegian language]

For information in English, see call info at Rannis:

News from the Plastics network: Writes master’s theses on plastic

Disse fire har valgt å skrive sin masteroppgave om plast. Øverst f.v. Emilie Hæggernes (Foto: Susanna Pakkasmaa, UiB), Lucie Geelhaar (Foto: Privat). Nederst: Eirik Kilhavn (Foto: Ole M. Kvamme, UiB) og Madelen Hegrestad (Foto: Ole M. Kvamme, UiB), Foto/ill.: UiB

The Plastics network has published a series of articles presenting four master’s students who have chosen to write their master’s thesis on the plastic issue.

Read the article [Norwegian language]