Gene therapy in the Biotekpodden podcast

[Norwegian language]

Hva er egentlig genterapi? Hvordan virker genterapi? Og hvorfor er genterapi så dyrt?

Molekylærbiolog Caroline Bianchi Strømme og lege og medisinsk etiker Eirik Joakim Tranvåg snakker om genterapi i denne episoden av Biotekpodden.

Programleder: Mette Risa, kommunikasjonssjef i Bioteknologirådet.

Hør episoden

Wed 6. Dec. UiB Conference: Norwegian Proficiency in Academia – from Words to Action

In the action plan Frå ord til handling. Handlingsplan for norsk fagspråk i akademia, [‘From Words to Action: Action Plan for Norwegian language for Specific Purposes’] the government proposes regulations that would mandate Norwegian language proficiency among educators in Norwegian higher education institutions. Additionally, the government suggests that institutions provide language training to doctoral and postdoctoral fellows.

The purpose of the seminar is to discuss specific actions that institutions may take to implement the new language policy measures.

The seminar is open to all who are interested and will be conducted in Norwegian and English.

More info, program and registration