PhD candidates from all Arqus partner universities are invited to an event 23 June about careers outside academia, held in collaboration with The Norwegian Cognitive Center.
Month: June 2022
21-23 September. Workshop on Single Molecule-based Super-resolution Microscopy: from Acquisition to Analysis, from Theory to Applications
Dear Colleagues, Are you studying proteins or RNAs in the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, or mitochondria ? Are you curious whether these molecules move freely or undergo confined movement, how fast and how far far they move, how…
Greetings from the Department – 17.06.2022
Dear all, Monday and Tuesday this week there was a teachers’ meeting, organized and funded by bioCEED. I was there and am left with many impressions. Perhaps most importantly, it was very inspiring to see so many committed colleagues discussing…
Alumnustreff – Gjensyn Jahnebakken
Only available in Norwegian language Alumnus treffet 21.mai 2022 hadde som føresetnad å samla så mange som mogeleg av dei som vart Cand. real eller Cand. scient. i åra fram til Instituttet vart flytta frå Jahnebakken 5 og til Marineholmen.…
Ann Kristin Frøyset is our new HSE-coordinator
We are very pleased that Ann Kristin Frøyset has agreed to take over as HSE coordinator after Evy Foss Skjoldal, who resigns from her position as chief engineer at the department on 15 June.
Results of the Department council election
New members of the Department council has been elected, representing group B (temporarily employed staff in teaching and research positions) and group D (students). You can find some info on each of the representatives on the election webpage.
Dean Gunn Mangerud’s blog
This content is available only in Norwegian language Hva betyr det å være langsiktig i norsk forskningspolitikk?
The UiB campus bus is out of service during the summer holiday
The campus bus’ last day of running before Summer will be Friday 1. July. Normal service is resumed after Summer starting Monday 15. August.
Invitation to apply for the course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education.
The course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education (MNPED660) is an elective teaching and learning course in higher education offered by bioCEED to all MN-UiB staff and count as part of the basic pedagogical competence requirement at UiB.
Informasjonsmøter om bruk av Marine Facilities Planning (MFP) – nytt system for toktsøknader
Only available in Norwegian language Det nye toktsystemet Marine Facilities Planning (MFP) åpnes for innlegging av toktsøknader 1 juni.