UiB’s trust funds (including the L. Meltzers Høyskolefond). APPLICATION DEADLINE 23. JANUARY

The application deadline for UiB’s trust funds and the L. Meltzers Høyskolefond is 23. januar 2023.  The application portal opened 2. January.

Bergen Universitetsfond

Applications can be made to Bergen University Fund for allocation to projects for dissemination and publication of research results and support for holding scientific conferences, workshops etc. in the period from 8 March 2023 to 31 March 2024. It is also possible to apply for support for the preparation of scientific conferences scheduled to be held after 31 March 2024.

Call and link to the applicant portal (Norwegian language):



L. Meltzers Høyskolefond

Project Grants for students and PhDs

The purpose of the Fund is to promote the academic activities of the University of Bergen and to support especially gifted students at the University. Grants can also be awarded to applicants from other Norwegian universities and specialized university institutions (vitenskapelige høgskoler).

Call and link to the applicant portal: https://meltzerfondet.w.uib.no/hovedsiden/english/project-grant-for-students-and-phd/


Scientific mobility including “forskningstermin”

The University of Bergen grant support for scientific mobility and activities. The funds are a gift from the L. Meltzers Høyskolefond.

Call and link to the applicant portal (Norwegian language): https://meltzerfondet.w.uib.no/


Olsens legat

Det lyses ut midler til forskning på bruk av nye undervisnings- og læringsformer ved Universitetet i Bergen.  Det gis også støtte til studenter og legater gjennom UiBs studentlegat, se neste avsnitt.

The University has announced a call for funds are announced for research into the use of new teaching and learning forms at the University of Bergen. Support is also given to students and grants through UiB’s student grant, see next section.

Call and link to the applicant portal: https://www.uib.no/foransatte/100538/olsens-legat


The University of Bergen’s Student Bequests

There are a number of student bequests and grants for students at the University of Bergen. You may use the same application form for all the student bequests and grants.

Call and application form: https://www.uib.no/en/student/48889/student-bequests