The Utrecht Netwoork’s Young Reserachers grant for 2023-24. Deadline 6. Feb.

Please find below information about the Utrecht Network’s Young Researchers grant for 2023-24. The network is awarding 20 grants of €1,000 to MA or PhD students who want a research stay at one of the UN partner universities for a minimum of 4 weeks in the period 1 May 2023 and 31 March 2024. This is a grant for students who cannot get Erasmus+ scholarship. Full information and application form can be found here: Young Researchers Grants – Utrecht Network (

The MA/PhD students fill in the application form and send it to by 6 February 2023. In recent years, several PhD students from UiB have had their applications approved, so this is certainly a nice and easy way to our PhDs to obtain funding for stays abroad.