Greetings from the Department 17.03.2023

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Sustainable investment in sustainability

The sustainability perspective has come more into focus in recent years, and that is a good thing. BIO also has a role to play here, and it is timely that sustainability is highlighted as a natural part of our research and teaching in biology. Within the marine field, the sustainability perspective is linked to e.g. bioproduction and resource management, natural diversity and biodiversity, and ecosystem status and function. This is a central theme within the fisheries biology and marine biology specialiszations. We have solid scientific environments that work on topics related to the responsible utilization of marine bioresources, mapping of marine biodiversity from the shore to the deep sea, and the interaction between the environment and organisms in the marine habitat. UiB and BIO have a long tradition and strategic advantages in marine research, and it is therefore natural that marine sustainability was highlighted as one of three focus areas when a new interdisciplinary master’s in sustainability was established. A good academic foundation within the respective fields is crucial for the superstructure of the new study program to be successful. Without a solid academic anchoring (read: foundation and walls), the superstructure (read: roof) will not hold. A continued good marine scientific strength is the best guarantee that BIO will be able to contribute to the study programme, because also at BIO the commitment to sustainability must be sustainable. In these times, this will require continued good cooperation with relevant institutions and professional circles such as e.g. Institute of Marine Research. IMR is a large and important employer with many employees who will need new good candidates to take over professionally anchored consultancy tasks in the future. There are also good opportunities for constructive cooperation with other units at UiB, such as e.g. Bergen University Museum, Geophysical Institute and the Bjerknes centre, which have good scientific environments in adjacent and relevant subject areas for BIO. Here there is room for further collaboration in research and teaching for the common good. With reference to the sustainability initiative at UiB, everyone involved will benefit from the strategically anchored marine scientific environments at BIO being sustainable.


Mvh Arild Folkvord

Head of the Fisheries and Marine Biology Group