New member of staff – Patrick Alexander Nelson

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Hello Bio! My name is Patrick Alexander Nelson and this April I started as a PhD Candidate in collaboration with the Sea Lice Research Centre. My PhD project is associated with the SaliVax project led by Aina-Cathrine Øvergård.  The aim of this project is to create a salmon louse vaccine for Atlantic salmon and increase knowledge of the underlying mechanisms between host and parasite. We will focus on methods to increase mucosal antibody levels, through the use of a variety of plasmid designs, molecular adjuvants and administrations methods.

All my higher education has been taken here at the University of Bergen, including a bachelor’s and master’s degree in molecular biology. My master’s thesis focused on characterization and responses of CD4+ T-cells in lumpfish. I am fascinated by aquatic species immune systems and understanding the processes to combat parasites, bacteria and viruses. Previously, I have worked as a laboratory technician and molecular biologist at Helse Bergen HF.  I am very excited to be back at the University of Bergen and I am looking forward to the next few years!