Greetings from the Department – 1.6.2023

Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB

Hei dere,

Today the bachelor’s and master’s ceremony for the MatNat Fculty takes place in the University grand hall (“aulaen”). It is obviously great for me as head of department to be able to congratulate everyone who has obtained their master’s degree at BIO. We have by far the most students present, and in all modesty I claim that we have the best students and also those who have worked on the most important topics in their master’s theses. Congratulations to all students who have completed their degree at BIO. And good luck going forward. Remember; there is still much to learn!

And many thanks and congratulations to all supervisors and teachers who make a huge effort every day to ensure that our students succeed in their objectives and practical and theoretical competence building in our subject areas.

There have been elections for new members of the department council. For group B (temporary academic staff), Natalya Gallo was elected, with Katharina Stracke and Christian Hans Quintana Zagaceta as deputies. For D (students), Marte Elise Rørstad and Alexander Bouz were elected, with Hanna Sannes and Gina Koulibaly Barry as deputies. Congratulations to all of them and thank you very much for your contributions.

Next council meeting takes place June 21st.  The most important issue on the agenda will be a presentation and approval of the budget proposal for 2024.  The day after we plan for another info meeting for all staff to present the proposed budget for 2024 and also our long term budget.  I know that many at BIO are concerned with our economy, so this will be a high-point before the Summer holidays. June is the last and intensive leg of the spring semester with loads of exams and all kinds of other matters that need to be concluded before summer, and it is a good thing for all of us that we will soon be able to enjoy a well deserved holiday.

God Helg, hilsen Ørjan