UiB’s Best Ideas – June 19th

We would like to invite you to UiB’s upcoming innovation event UiB’s best ideas on 19 June from 14.00-16.00. After the event, food and drink will be served.

The event will show previous, ongoing and planned innovation projects that have been selected and supported by UiB’s verification program UiB idea. We will hear about rescue equipment for extreme climatic conditions, games that educate, cancer treatment, a new approach to diagnosing diseases, social networks, biomaterials and bioreactors, marine habitat, language training supported by artificial intelligence, alternative food production, and more.

You can find more information about the event and registration link here: https://www.uib.no/en/innovation/162907/uib-id%C3%A9-kick

Registration deadline: 19 June at 10.00

The event is open to everyone.

We invite you to be inspired by some of UiB’s most creative minds, and hope to see you at the Eitri medical incubator for a firework display of ideas, food and discussions!
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Dag Hellesund

Kommunikasjons- og innovasjonsrådgiver
Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen (FIA)
Universitetet i Bergen
Mob: +47 91 55 42 99