For more details, see the calendar
Month: June 2023
Tue 13. Jun. PhD-defense, Andrea Papdiné Morovicz
Functional characterisation of polybasic motifs in the nucleolar PtdIns(3,4,5)P3-interacting proteins proliferation-associated protein 2G4 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 17.00-19.00 Zoom webinar:
Tue 13. Jun. Master’s presentations – Mathias Lundberg and Martin Berge
Wed 14. Jun. PhD-defense, Sofie Søderstrøm
Effects of the emerging marine aquafeed mycotoxins beauvericin (BEA) and enniatin B (ENNB) in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) – Implications on cellular pathways and functions, and tissue responses 12.15-14.30 Lille auditorium, Datablokken
Wed 14. Jun. Master’s presentations – Jana Navarro, Hannah Røkke, Lily Meyer, Martin B Rønhovde and Ingvild Riska
For more info see the calendar
Thu 15. Jun. Master’s presentations – Mirand Aspelund, Georg Hollevik and Anikka Krill
For details – see the calendar event
Fri 16. Jun. Nine master’s presentations
For further details – see the calendar event
Greetings from the Department – 1.6.2023
Hei dere, Today the bachelor’s and master’s ceremony for the MatNat Fculty takes place in the University grand hall (“aulaen”).
Department of Biological Sciences signing in!
Since 2018, many among us have suspected that the Department of Biological Sciences resides in Thormøhlensgate 53 and 55. Now we have the signs to prove it! Supervised by the Estate and Facilities Management division, new pretty and professional looking…
BIO technical staff – mapping of tasks and competence
Kjære alle sammen, Og vel overstått pinse. Håper alle har hatt en fin langhelg og er klare for sisteinnspurten før sommerferie (plutselig) er over oss! En av tingene som skal gjennomføres før nevnte sommerferie, er teknikerkartleggingen på BIO.