From left: Endre Lygre, Julie Skadal, Knut Olav Daasvatn, Hilde Rief Armo, Sigurd Stefansson, Selina Våge, Oliver Müller. Photo: Endre Lygre/unknown Stoltzen official
This fine group has only a short time ago represented BIO in this year’s Stoltzekleiven opp. All athletes reported poor form ahead of the race, and 77% reported injuries or illness in the categories serious to very serious. Quite contrary to the advance notices, the gang delivered solid performances. Whether the mismatch between prognosis and result is due to a fundamental lack of knowledge of one’s own biology or whether it is rather a question of psychological games in the form of expectation regulation, we should be careful in speculating. But if the latter should be the case, there is probably every reason to to conclude that the strategy was, by and large, shamefully successful and should be continued. It was probably the women who impressed the most this year, and we can mention that at the time of writing, Selina Våge and Hilde Rief Armo are currently in fourth place in their respective classes!
The mood in the group was good before the start and then followed the course profile towards the high altitudes and is said to have approached the euphoric state after the finish line had been passed. Do you dare not to participate next year?