Greetings from the Department – 28.09.2023

Foto: Eivind Senneset, UiB

Dear all,

First of all; it was a great pleasure to be part of the PhD/post doc party last Friday. Very good atmosphere, good togetherness, good food and drink and fun games. We have to do this many more times. The goal is to splice our post docs and PhDs closer together across groups [faggrupper], so that their professional-social network is increased and strengthened. It is important for both professional development and, not least, well-being. Many thanks to everyone who was involved in organizing the event.

We had a department board meeting yesterday. Important matters that were discussed were finances, curriculum changes, various ongoing processes (e.g. mapping of technical staff competence, staffing of teaching in the event of retirement and course budgeting). It was very gratifying that the council members asked many questions, made many suggestions and actively participated in the discussions around these issues. Keep it up. I hope students and staff who are not members of the department council bring issues that concern them to their council members, so that they are well informed about what is going on and what concerns staff and students at BIO.

Today is the big day for the most fit among us: Stoltzen up. I myself participated a few years ago, but have now given up after I fell down the stairs. All credit to the fit people who stand up and represent BIO in this way.

Then I wish you all a very good weekend.

Hilsen Ørjan