Norwegian language Arbeidsliv i endring – hva med arbeidsmiljøet ? Digitalt frokostseminar onsdag 27.september på Zoom kl.0830-1000
Month: September 2023
The 2023 Holberg Debate: ‘Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains?’
Dear UiB colleagues, The Holberg Prize has the pleasure of inviting everyone to attend the 2023 Holberg Debate in the University Aula, on Saturday 2 December, 15:00 – 17:45.
Greetings from the department 1.9.2023
Hei dere, In exactly one year, BIO is scheduled to have a new head of department. Then my two term periods are over. I look forward to this last year and hope that we will achieve many good results in…
The sequencing facility is closed until late September
The sequencing facility will unfortunately be closed for another 2-3 weeks, until around September 20th. Gyri Teien Haugland may offer advice on fast and reasonably priced alternatives.
Successful CONFECT symposium August 22-23
The meeting brought together researchers who use both quantitative and experimental methods in virus ecology and evolution from around the world (New Zealand and New Caledonia included), and it was a very successful meeting with room for good discussions.
Norwegian Reserach Council: ERC Proposal Reading Day in Bergen 12. September
The Research Council of Norway organises “ERC Proposal Reading Days” for researchers who are planning an application to the European Research Council (ERC). There will be two sessions in Bergen September 12th: ERC Proposal Reading Day in Bergen – morning…
UH-nett Vest, call: Funds for networking and project development for 2023
Norwegian language UH-nett Vest har utviklet en støtteordning som skal bidra til å styrke samhandlingen og bygge sterke relasjoner mellom akademia og eksterne aktører på Vestlandet. Støtten skal gis som såkornsmidler til nettverksbygging, prosjektutvikling og formidlingsaktivitet. Søknadsdatabasen vil åpne 1.…
Dyrevernalliansens forskningsfond utlyser midler
Norwegian language Forskere og studenter hos dere er hjertelig velkomne til å søke om midler. I 2023 vil det bli utdelt inntil 1.500.000 kroner. Søknadsfristen er 20. september 2023. Les mer:
Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity: Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe in the 21st Century in the University Aula, 4-5 September 2023.
On 4 and 5 September 2023, the University of Bergen, in collaboration with a group of distinguished global partners, will organise an international conference under the title Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity: Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe in…
Wed 6. Sep. PhD trial lecture, Peng Yin
Carotenoids as antioxidants: effects on redox biology and health in fish 13.15-14. Zoom webinar: